
Showing posts from April, 2019

Zion 100K

My wife told me to find an epic race to help me maintain focus on my goal for my first 100K. Not a local looped course, but instead something more grand. So the Vacation Races, Zion Ultras fit the bill (and schedule).  The 100k was listed as 63.5 miles for this race, and elevation gain was 5700’, with a major ascent early and that same descent later.  The general idea was you'd run to, and then up to the top of a huge mesa, run around several points overlooking the valley floors and Zion National Park, then back off the mesa onto the desert floor to loop back around to the start.  Aid stations were usually 4-7 miles apart, so nothing too drastic, all well stocked, and there were several locations for drop bags and a few points for crew access.  My goal for a first time, was to complete the race. Then my ambitious goal was to finish sub 15 hour.  The weather stayed cool most of the day and my training was solid, so my final result was 13:15:35 (!)  Here's the li