
Showing posts from September, 2019

Tahoe 100K / 25K

Fall of 2018, I had finally stepped beyond the 50K distance.  In August I had ran Bigfoot 40, and then in November having  just completed my first 50 Miler in TN, I knew, instantly, that I wanted to do an epic 100K.   I knew I wanted to be in the mountains, and so I was drawn to the Tahoe 100K, being close to where I grew up, I found it to fill a part of my mind and I'd get to explore new areas. This was to be my A race for 2019, so everything else became training and practice for this day. Closer to the race, I had the novel (?) idea to not only run the 100k, but follow it up the next day with the 25k. Partially I wanted to see my wife as she ran, and partially wanted to do something new (and was inspired by the Squamish 50/50). And running 75 miles with 14K' of gain in around ~27 hours (with a nice break in the middle), is the closest I've come to feeling what a 100 miler will throw at me, and it doesn't scare me, it has fueled the desire to push even more. S