
Showing posts from August, 2018

Bigfoot 40

Destination Trail, Bigfoot 40 ( ) This was my first attempt at anything larger than a 50K, and my first dip back into the game after having a down season due to a crazy job.  I signed up with around 6 weeks to actually train and get my act together, and the location, remoteness, and limited aid were all huge draws! It was hard, and hot, but one of the best runs of my life.   A very challenging day, and I'm proud of my time of 12:24! (  Ultrasignup  ) Below the photo, is the link to my Flickr album with a bunch of pictures and videos taken around the event. Flickr Album ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit after the fact, here's a link to the quick breakdown on my gear, to see what I packed  Bigfoot 40 gear ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So here we go.  I quit an overly stressful job earlier in the year and was finally able to stoke