Bellin 10K

How do you implement a fun, mildly spontaneous 10K into a longer training plan for an ultra? 

Well, my goal was to run these 6 miles with coworkers and have a light morning, and then follow it up with more miles on trails (and get to explore some new dirt around Green Bay perhaps)

So what was my plan?  Well I didn't really have one, I had to wake up at 4 am and make the drive to Green Bay, so I figured it's make for an easy run.  Well, I was supposed to go easy, but you know how that goes...

Once you show up to a big event in a smaller town with 11,000 other people, it tends to lend itself to a little excitement.  And since some of my co-workers were planning to walk, there was no way I was sticking with them, sorry but I wanna run.

I decided to take the training and goals of an ultra, and compress them down to a smaller scale, kind of a half life of the race (continually looking at the remaining distance and dividing that into smaller halves, continuously, until the end)

So, for 6.2 miles:

Miles 1-3, keep it throttled back, don't go out too hard, effort level of around 75% lets say.  Essentially, wanted a negative split between second half and first.

Miles 3-6 will be a higher effort, but not all out, maybe step up to 85% effort.

Mile 5, now we're getting close, start to pick up the pace, push up to a sustainable 1+ mile pace, maybe this is closer to 90% effort.

Mile 5.75, ok, getting closer to the final stretch, push it more, get up to 95% effort, pass anyone and everyone in your way, you're almost to the timing mat.

Mile 6, you're there, you see the finish, you hear the announcer, push to 100% and go, take your best output that won't put you on the ground.

Well, it pretty much worked as planned.  My time was great, my lap splits were right on par:
1 = 8:09
2 = 7:47
3 = 7:25
4 = 7:21
5 = 7:21
6 = 7:05
0.25 = 1:46 (6:50 pace)

My final time was 46:52, which was a new PR for me for a 10K by 7 seconds, and a new PR for my 5K by 31 seconds, which I'm pretty floored by.  I know my training has stepped up quite a bit and I haven't ran a road 5k/10k in several years, but still, after building my legs for distance, I didn't think I would do this.

Although, after racing and cooling down, then driving an hour away, to then run 8 more on trails, definitely tool it's toll on my legs, but, I got it done, and got to explore more trails.

I don't want to do this again anytime soon, but it was a nice experience, and helped remind me how much I enjoy the smaller community of trail runners.

That's me on the far right :D


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